poniedziałek, 21 września 2015


Simple Present Present Progressive
(3rd person singular: infinitive + 's')
I speak
you speak
he / she / it speaks
we speak
they speak
form of 'be' and verb + ing

I am speaking
you are speaking
he / she / it is speaking
we are speaking
they are speaking
Exceptions when adding 's' :
  • For can, may, might, must, do not add s.
    Example: he can, she may, it must
  • After o, ch, sh or s, add es.
    Example: do - he does, wash - she washes
  • After a consonant, the final consonant y becomes ie. (but: not after a vowel)
    Example: worry - he worries
    but: play - he plays
Exceptions when adding 'ing' :
  • Silent e is dropped. (but: does not apply for -ee)
    Example: come - coming
    but: agree - agreeing
  • After a short, stressed vowel, the final consonant is doubled.
    Example: sit - sitting
  • After a vowel, the final consonant l is doubled in British English (but not in American English).
    Example: travel - travelling (British English)
    but: traveling (American English)
  • Final ie becomes y.
    Example: lie - lying


Simple Present Present Continuous
in general (regularly, often, never)
Colin plays football every Tuesday.
present actions happening
 one after another
First Colin plays football, then he watches TV.
                     right now
                     Look! Colin is playing football now.
                     also for several actions happening 
                     at the same time
                     Colin is playing football and Anne is watching.
Signal words
  • always
  • every ...
  • often
  • normally
  • usually
  • sometimes
  • seldom
  • never
  • first
  • then
  • at the moment
  • at this moment
  • today
  • now
  • right now
  • Listen!
  • Look!


    We use the Present Simple
    • for regular actions or events
      I watch TV most evenings.
    • facts
      The sun rises in the east
    • facts know about the future
      The plane leaves at 5.00 in the morning.
    • thoughts and feelings about the time of speaking
      I don't understand.
    We use the Present Continuous
    • at the time of speaking ('now')
      I'm watching a movie on TV.
    • things which are true at the moment but not always
      I'm looking for a new job.
    • present plans for the future
      I'm taking my husband to New York for his birthday.
    Look at these sentences:
    • I usually don't drink coffee but I'm having one this morning because there is nothing else.
    • I often drive to work but I'm taking the train this morning because my car is in for repair.
    • I'm thinking about dying my hair blonde but I don't think my wife will be very happy about it.
    • My parents live in New York but I'm just visiting.

    Notice how in all these examples we use the present continuous to talk about events which are temporary/limited in time and the present simple to talk about events which are habits/permanent.

niedziela, 20 września 2015